Chemtrails, Morgellons, and Lyme Disease: JUST THE FACTS

Jim Lee from Climate Viewer News interviewed Morgellons Survey blog author, Jeremy Murphree on Sunday April 29, 2018. Jim has authored a comprehensive proposal to address geoengineering in a responsible manner:

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The Exploitation of Morgellons

The Exploitation of Morgellons Disease

In the months leading up to this article, there has been a growing sense of desperation from the communities espousing many disproven theories such as “Morgellons is caused by nanotechnology” and “Morgellons is part of a transhumanist agenda”. The reason for this urgency is quite simple, the facts are in and the jig is up.

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Morgellons Chemtrail Theory Exposed as Fear Porn

The Morgellons Chemtrail Theory suggests that the toxins from chemtrails are the causative agent in Morgellons Disease. If this were the case, however, every person on the planet would have Morgellons. Currently, we can estimate from statistics that about one million people worldwide suffer from Morgellons Disease.

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