Jeremy Murphree

  • Find A Morgellons Doctor To begin with, life can be frustrating without a Morgellons doctor on your team. Not knowing what medicine to take or how well it’s working is one benefit you’ll miss without a doctor’s expertise. Though it may seem like no doctors know how to treat Morgellons, the fact is more are learning about the condition every day. This article will help you find a knowledgeable physician in your battle against Morgellons. Don’t Go In Alone Many patients reject the notion of seeing a doctor after several bad experiences. But the fact is, things have gotten better recently! Now that we have a good idea of what Morgellons is, more and more doctors are starting to learn how to treat it. Lyme Disease Training Indeed, it’s often the doctors we currently see and trust that will benefit the most from the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation’s ILADEF PHYSICIAN TRAINING PROGRAM. The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, or ILADS, has developed a foundation of understanding through years of experience. With their training materials, your current physician can become knowledgeable about the complexities of tick-borne infections and the current methods of treating them. Lyme Doctor Referral Do you want to see a doctor already practicing the ILADS guidelines? Register on this page to get an email containing a list of ILADS certified physicians in a close radius. Global Lyme Alliance also provides a form for patients to find Lyme literate physicians near your location. Be aware that many Lyme and Morgellons patients travel great distances to see a good doctor they can trust for a positive experience. Functional Medicine Functional Medicine is a new way of practicing healthcare. This form will allow you to find a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area. Be sure to call the office of the doctors you find and ask them if they are familiar with Morgellons disease specifically. Letter to Psychiatrists and Dermatologists This example letter to Psychiatrists and Dermatologists may help you work with your current team of physicians to either rule out or diagnose and treat and get your life back altogether! Financial Assistance Affording responsible treatment can be difficult, especially without health insurance or with an insurer who will not cover the costs. Fortunately, financial assistance is available for those suffering with Lyme disease. Financial Assistance – Global Lyme Alliance. Here are 7 Organizations That Help You Pay for Lyme Treatment & Testing. Morgellons Doctor Several doctors and scientists researching Morgellons work directly with the ILADS organization. Because of this, Morgellons patients will likely have access to the latest information and study results. It is always recommended to have a trained physician on your team rather than fighting alone. Hopefully, this information will help you build the team you need to succeed in your fight against Morgellons. Home | Learn | Find a Doctor | Home Testing | Petitions | Shop | LinksRead more

  • Morgellons Disease In Dogs This article curated from PRWEB showcases the findings of a recent scientific study proving Morgellons Disease in Dogs. AUSTIN, TX (PRWEB) OCTOBER XX, 2016 (PRWEB) (PRWEB) DECEMBER 07, 2016 Man’s best friend may help solve another mystery. A new study entitled “Canine Filamentous Dermatitis Associated with Borrelia Infection” reveals that a condition similar to human Morgellons disease can occur in dogs. The study was published in the prestigious Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis. Morgellons disease is an unusual skin condition associated with Lyme disease in humans. It is characterized by skin lesions containing unusual multicolored fibers and symptoms such as fatigue, joint and muscle pain and neurological problems that are typical of Lyme disease. Similar skin lesions have previously been reported in bovine digital dermatitis, an infectious disease of cattle. The dog study was partially funded by the Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation (CEHMDF) and was conducted by an international team of researchers, including Calgary microbiologist Marianne Middelveen, San Francisco Internist Dr. Raphael Stricker, molecular biologists Dr. Eva Sapi and Dr. Jennie Burke, and Calgary veterinarians Dr. Gheorghe Rotaru and Dr. Jody McMurray. The dogs in the study presented with unusual fiber-containing skin lesions that lacked other explanations and that failed to respond to non-antibiotic treatments. “Generally-speaking, the fibers we have seen are teal and pink,” explains Dr. Rotaru.“Dogs are hairy, so fibers can be hard to see. Fortunately the fibers fluoresce under UV light, so we have used that diagnostic tool to identify dogs with the skin condition.” Analysis performed by five different laboratories detected the corkscrew-shaped agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, in canine skin tissue by special staining and DNA analysis. Culture studies showed that the Lyme bacteria in skin were alive. Further analysis of the canine skin fibers showed that they were made of the same proteins as human Morgellons disease fibers. Most of the owners of the study dogs were healthy and were not familiar with Morgellons disease or Lyme disease; however, two of the owners also had Morgellons disease. “In those cases, we do not have evidence of contact transmission from human to animal or animal to human,” says Dr. Stricker, “it may be that both owner and dog were exposed to the same disease vector.” “The finding of skin lesions similar to Morgellons disease, first in cattle and now in dogs, confirms that the skin disease is not a delusion, as some have maintained,” said Ms. Middelveen. “We need to learn much more about this mysterious skin condition.” About the Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation:The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation based in Austin, TX, is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to advocacy and philanthropy in the battle against Morgellons. Director, Cindy Casey-Holman, RN, leads the foundation, named for her husband, Charles E. Holman, a pioneer in the fight against MD. The CEHMDF is the recognized authority and primary funding source for Morgellons Disease medical-scientific research. There are neither grants, nor any other public or private funding to support research for Morgellons. Donations are tax deductible in the US. To learn more about Morgellons disease go to httpRead more