Debunking the Myth: Morgellons is not Associated with Fungus or Mold

This article looks at the connection between mold exposure and Morgellons. Morgellons disease, a perplexing and controversial skin condition, has captured the attention and curiosity of both medical professionals and the general public. Characterized by the presence of unusual fibers embedded in or protruding from the skin, Morgellons has sparked intense debates within the medical … Read more

Exploring the Possibilities of Fungus as a Treatment for Morgellons Disease

forest fungus landscape moss

Morgellons Disease is a rare disorder that results in fibers appearing in the skin and can cause extreme itching, sores, and terrible lesions. Morgellons is believed to be caused by Lyme Disease. While there is no known cure for this mysterious affliction, recent research suggests that fungus may play a role in the treatment and … Read more

Microbiologist Marianne Middelveen LIVE

Marianne Middelveen Morgellons Interview

Marianne Middelveen is a microbiologist and a medical mycologist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada currently working in the field of Veterinary Microbiology and specializing in bovine mastitis. She received post-graduate degrees in Microbial and Biochemical Science and in Environmental Science from Georgia State University and University of Calgary, respectively. She has been involved in research projects … Read more

Video Interview with Microbiologist Marianne Middelveen

Marianne Middelveen Interview

Microbiologist Marianne Middelveen joined us on August 14th 2019 to discuss her work researching Morgellons disease. Can you tell us what kind of science you practice and describe how that applies to your work? What is the extent of your involvement with the Charles Holman Foundation? Is the diagnostic criteria for Morgellons just the fibers … Read more