Video Interview with Microbiologist Marianne Middelveen

Microbiologist Marianne Middelveen joined us on August 14th 2019 to discuss her work researching Morgellons disease.

  1. Can you tell us what kind of science you practice and describe how that applies
    to your work?
  2. What is the extent of your involvement with the Charles Holman Foundation?
  3. Is the diagnostic criteria for Morgellons just the fibers under the skin or are there any other symptoms specific to the Morgellons condition?
  4. In 2012 the CDC accomplished a study of Morgellons but could not determine an infectious agent. Why couldn’t they and how can you find these pathogens and what exactly did you find?
  5. Why does the serologic test for Lyme not reveal bacterial infection in those who it is apparent, like in Morgellons patients?
  6. Can you describe the culture method you employed for your research?
  7. How strong is the evidence that Lyme disease is sexually transmissible?
  8. Is it true that Deer do not get Lyme disease?
  9. Is it true that most people who get Lyme don’t get Morgellons, but most Morgellons patients do get Lyme?
  10. Can some people carry Lyme bacteria without health consequence?
  11. What was your research in the South American jungles regarding?
  12. Is Morgellons associated with mold or fungus?
  13. Can you explain what a follicular cast is, what it is made of and how they relate to Morgellons patients?
  14. Can someone have follicular casts but not the Morgellons fibers?
  15. Your latest study demonstrates mixed bacterial biofilms in Morgellons patients, what are biofilms?
  16. You also detected Alzheimer’s plaques in the skin, are there other conditions where Alzheimer’s plaques are discovered in other parts of the body?
  17. In your study you tested 6 of 14 patients for tau and beta-amyloid, why not the other eight?
  18. Is it likely then that the six might develop Alzheimer’s?
  19. Some of your research demonstrates the Morgellons condition in Dogs, and BVV in cattle. Do other animals have Morgellons like birds and cats?
  20. What is the difference between relapsing fever, dental spirochetes, and Lyme and how are all three associated with Morgellons?
  21. What is H-pylori and do all Morgellons patients have it?
  22. Is Morgellons associated with Bartonella?
  23. Your latest study cites research demonstrating beneficial biofilms producing melanin, is this suspected of a possible mechanism by which Morgellons fibers are colored?
  24. What does blind controlled and peer-reviewed mean and how many labs are replicating your work? How does the scientific process work from where you sit?
  25. What is your proudest achievement in regards to your research, Morgellons or otherwise?
  26. What can people watching at home do to help you produce more answers about Morgellons?
  27. Do you have any personal causes or charities that you are passionate about?

The CDC disclaimer states:
“A surveillance case definition is a set of uniform criteria used to define a disease for public health surveillance. Surveillance case definitions enable public health officials to classify and count cases consistently across reporting jurisdictions. Surveillance case definitions are not intended to be used by healthcare providers for making a clinical diagnosis or determining how to meet an individual patient’s health needs.”

“Parachutes” is a novel written by Marianne Middelveen:

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