Pi Ware LIVE Interview


Pi well known for his accomplishments including ingenious editing work for NBC, CBS, and HBO. He has worked on productions including “Lost Kubrick: The Unfinished Films of Stanley Kubrik”, “The Business End: Violence in Cinema”, and “In the Master’s Shadow: Hitchcock’s Legacy”. Pi was nominated four times for his editing work and secured the coveted … Read more

Skin Deep Movie Review and Interview with Director, Pi Ware

To order your Educational or Community copy of Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons visit  https://www.morgellonsmovie.org #SkinDeep: The Battle Over #Morgellons from Director #PiWare. How Deep Does It Go? Skin Deep allows its’ audience to experience the reality of Morgellons through the emotions of the individuals who play a role in establishing the history of … Read more

The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation Announces World Premier of the Movie “Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons.”

Skin Deep Morgellons Movie

The documentary Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons will celebrate its World Premiere on October 5th at the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles. Skin Deep was directed by Emmy-winning editor and filmmaker Pi Ware. The film investigates the fierce controversy surrounding the disease known as Morgellons. Morgellons disease symptoms include fatigue, slow-healing lesions, GI … Read more

The Exploitation of Morgellons

The Exploitation of Morgellons Disease

In the months leading up to this article, there has been a growing sense of desperation from the communities espousing many disproven theories such as “Morgellons is caused by nanotechnology” and “Morgellons is part of a transhumanist agenda”. The reason for this urgency is quite simple, the facts are in and the jig is up.

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