The Charles Holman Foundation continues its generosity by releasing both the 11th and 10th annual Morgellons conference media free on YouTube! Through these scientific presentations Morgellons is demystified, and it becomes clear that these patients need much better care.
11th Annual Morgellons Conference
- Diagnosing Morgellons Disease: Ginger Savely, DNP
- Diagnostic, Testing and Treatment Approaches: Carsten Nicolaus, MD, PhD
- Environmental Toxins & Morgellons Disease: Eboni Cornish, MD
- The Truth About Fake News: Ronald Wilson, MD
- Morgellons: Is it Delusional? Marianne Middelveen, MDSC
- Morgellons: Is it Infection? Marianne Middelveen, MDSC
- Multiple Bacterial Species Co-Localized Exclusively to Active Lesions: Randy S. Wymore, PhD
- Evidence of Bacterial Co-Infections in Morgellons & Lyme Patients: Julie Lewis, MDSC, PhD Candidate
- Suicide and Morgellons Diseases: Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA
- Healing from Morgellons Disease: Courtney Day, ND
- Morgellons Fibers in an 8 year old Golden Retriever: T.J. Dunn, JR, DVM
- Patient Perspectives: Never Say Whoa in a Mudhole: Denise Moudree
- Q&A: Day 1
- Q&A: Day 2
10th Annual Morgellons Conference
- Canine Filamentous Dermatitis Associated with Borrelia Infection: Raphael Stricker, MD
- Multiple Bacterial Species Present in Active Morgellons Lesions: Randy S. Wymore, PhD
- A Critique of the CDC Morgellons Study: Marianne Middleveen, MDES
- How to Have a Better Experience at Your Doctor Visit: Steven R. Feldman, MD
- Morgellons Disease Testing and Diagnosis: Melissa C. Fesler, FNP-BC
- Morgellons Disease: Conventional. Alternative and Integrative Approaches: Carsten Nicolaus, MD, PhD
- Objective Findings in Morgellons Disease: Ginger R. Savely, DNP, Med, FNP-C, CAN
- Morgellons and Low Dose Antigen Treatment – Norihito Onishi, D.O.
- My Morgellons Experience – Amelia Withington, MD
- Applying Functional Medicine in the Treatment of Morgellons Disease – Eboni Cornish, MD
- The Neuropsychiatric Assessment when Suspecting Morgellons: Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA
- Morgellons Disease: What’s Relevant, What Isn’t? Marianne Middleveen, MDES
- Q & A – Day 1
- Q & A – Day 2
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