Chemtrails, Morgellons, and Lyme Disease: JUST THE FACTS

Jim Lee from Climate Viewer News interviewed Morgellons Survey blog author, Jeremy Murphree on Sunday April 29, 2018. Jim has authored a comprehensive proposal to address geoengineering in a responsible manner:

2 thoughts on “Chemtrails, Morgellons, and Lyme Disease: JUST THE FACTS”

  1. Thanks for this video Jeremy. It is very informative & only solidifies my scientific beliefs concerning Morgellons. That is, it’s associated with Lyme and the spirochete bacteria Borrelia Burg.

    Although conspiracy theories have been around forever & I understand the psychology behind them, I’m having difficulty wrapping my head around the motives of those people who support the theories of chemtrails, transhumanism, targeted individuals, aliens, the Devil, the government etc; these folks are hampering progress in the medical realm of research, testing, diagnosis criteria and most importantly treatment. Lives are at stake.

    Simply put, they are messing up my world (as a Morgellons sufferer) with their nonsense and bullshit. Apparently they don’t have the capacity to see how their beliefs are prolonging the horrendous impact this disease has on me and others and I appreciate your efforts to dispel these myths. Also thanks to Jim Lee for his participation.

    No, Chicken Little, the sky is NOT falling.

  2. People who think the related conspiracy theories are nonsense always wind up being people either severely lacking in logic or people with capacity for logical thinking but because of their world view and their bias towards maintaining it they refuse to utilize their logical capacity to come to the same scary conclusions that others have come up with. Then of course there are the lectures of people who have warned us and as a result were assassinated for spilling the beans. One such person was Phil Schneider. I advise everyone to check out his youtube videos. The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.


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