Morgellons News That Made This Summer Great!

Morgellons news can result in strong emotions. Typically the story is the same – Morgellons patients are delusional. The past several weeks however have arrived on the wings of change towards a final rendezvous with destiny. In this article we look at the top three online articles which had the greatest impact towards legitimizing Morgellons Disease!

Dermatology Advisor – Lyme Disease May Be Associated With Genital Lesions and Morgellons Disease

This article is especially important as the relationship with Morgellons patients and Professional Dermatologists has become damaged since the Unexplained Dermopathy was introduced. Patients complaining of artifacts and threads coming out of their skin had historically been regarded and treated as mentally ill. However, perhaps the historical approach had missed evidence which modern science can now elicit?

Dermatology Advisor is a publication under Haymarket Media, which produces authoritative publications and services for healthcare professionals including Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR)Cancer Therapy AdvisorOncology Nurse AdvisorThe Clinical AdvisorRenal and Urology NewsEndocrinology AdvisorNeurology AdvisorPsychiatry AdvisorInfectious Disease AdvisorThe Medical BagRheumatology AdvisorThe Cardiology AdvisorClinical Pain Advisor, and Pulmonology Advisor.

Medscape – Exploring the Association Between Morgellons Disease and Lyme Disease

Whoa – well if this didn’t knock your socks off you may not be aware of just how influential Medscape is in the medical industry. Having this Morgellons research paper syndicated through Medscape is a major step towards the goal of having MD widely accepted.

Medscape is the leading online global destination for physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide, offering the latest medical news and expert perspectives; essential point-of-care drug and disease information; and relevant professional education and CME.

About Medscape

Reuters – Fact Check-Face masks do not contain nanoparticle ‘Morgellons’ parasites

Don’t you hate it when some new trendy conspiracy comes along and they somehow rope ‘Morgellons’ in with it? So does Reuters, and that’s why they were sure to include a link to “History of Morgellons disease: from delusion to definition” by Marianne Middelveen in their article debunking the claims that face masks contain nanoparticle ‘Morgellons’ parasites.

Reuters is a global news agency that was founded nearly 170 years ago. Our journalists work all over the world and are guided by the Trust Principles, which state that Reuters must report the news with integrity, independence, and freedom from bias.

About Reuters Fact Check

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