On Friday evening, July 31st, we were fortunate to interview prominent psychiatrist Dr. Robert C. Bransfield. Here is the recording of that session.
- What is the deal with COVID19, should people be wearing masks and how is the situation where you live?
- Does COVID19 cause psychological manifestations?
- What is Morgellons Disease?
- What is the most concerning aspect of Morgellons, in your experience?
- Why is it hard for many people to accept that infections can result in concerning behavior?
- How can someone tell if they are suffering psychological issues because of infection or other reasons like emotional trauma?
- Can specific conditions like bi-polar disorder be caused by infections and what other reasons would someone suffer from BPD?
- When you suspect Lyme, do you treat the patient or would you refer them out to an infectious disease specialist?
- How soon do patients see remediation of their condition if the cause is infection and how is their infection typically treated?
- Can psychotropic drugs be harmful to Lyme patients?
- Are benzos safe?
- Can cannabis be used to treat psychological disturbances?
- What is the association of Lyme disease with violence?
- Is ADD and ADHD associated with Lyme disease?
- Is syphilis still a prevalent infection or has Lyme overtaken it in incidence?
- Is it harder for Lyme patients to cope with emotional distress?
- How can someone tell if they are neurotic or if that is simply their personality?
- Can Lyme disease alter a persons personality, dramatically?
- How important is a support network for recovery, can someone make it without any help?
- What can Lyme patients do themselves to aid the healing process?
- Are there markers which indicate nominal behavioral health?
- How common are hallucinations with Lyme disease and what causes them?
- Are there sexual behavior implications of Lyme disease?
- Does Lyme disease promote narcissism, like syphilis is reported to do?
- Does traumatic brain injury factor heavily into patient prognosis?
- What research are you currently working on?