If you are a Morgellons patient, you may have felt the urge to complain about the medical field, or to consider doctors generally incompetent and uncaring. The truth however is that our doctors do care, but in most cases – they are helpless to understand Morgellons or how to treat it. Why does this happen?
The field of Morgellons research has long been shrouded in mystery and confusion. This perplexing skin disorder, often referred to as a controversial condition, has confounded medical professionals and researchers alike. Despite numerous case reports and distressing symptoms experienced by those afflicted, Morgellons Disease (MD) largely remains a medical enigma which baffles the scientific community.
The term “Morgellons” was coined by Mary Leitao in 2002 to describe a range of symptoms including crawling sensations on or under the skin, fibers or filaments emerging from lesions, and persistent itching. However, due to its unclear etiology and lack of officially recognized diagnostic criteria, Morgellons has faced skepticism from some medical professionals who question its legitimacy as a distinct clinical entity.
Regardless of the challenges faced by researchers in this field, there have been substantial efforts to shed light on Morgellons through recent case examinations and small-scale investigations. These initiatives have aimed to unravel the mysteries surrounding this puzzling condition and provide insights into potential causes, mechanisms, and treatment options. In fact, many revelations about MD have been illuminated through these research campaigns. So why is it then that in spite of this science, doctors today still seem largely uninformed about how to recognize or remediate the horrible illness?
The Challenging Diagnosis, Why Most Doctors Struggle to Understand Morgellons
From a doctor’s perspective, Morgellons patients present with a unique set of symptoms that often defy conventional medical explanations. Patients suffering from Morgellons report sensations of crawling or biting under their skin, and visual examination reveals the presence of multicolored fibers embedded in the tissues of skin lesions. Besides being unbelievable, these symptoms do not fit neatly into any established diagnostic criteria, making it difficult for doctors to classify and treat the condition.
The lack of consensus about the cause and nature of Morgellons further compounds diagnostic challenges. Some medical professionals attribute it to psychological factors such as delusional parasitosis, with one patient reportedly accused of injecting the fibers directly into their own skin, while others subscribe to recent research demonstrating an underlying infectious component – specifically Lyme Disease. This divergence in opinions adds to the confusion surrounding Morgellons leaving patients feeling frustrated, uncared for, and misunderstood – which is the exact oppositive of how doctors want their patients to feel.
What Are Morgellons Fibers Anyway?
The existence of Morgellons fibers has been a subject of intense controversy and speculation, leading to heated debates. One of the central questions that arises is the composition of these fibers. Many individuals are curious to uncover what exactly Morgellons filaments are made of. According to researchers though, Morgellons fibers are composed of materials commonly found in the human body, specifically keratin and collagen. These fibers are reported to exhibit the components of malformed hairs and superficial skin fragments.
It is indeed concerning that the evidence regarding Morgellons fibers is not clearly presented to facilitate better understanding among doctors. The lack of predominant demonstration hampers the ability of medical professionals to comprehend them effectively. Recurring questions about the composition of these fibers highlights the need for contemporary information. While it may be tempting to believe that doctors would feel more confident in treating Morgellons if they knew that the fibers are simply a result of bacterial infection in the skin, it is important to consider that medical education plays a significant role in shaping their approach. If doctors are not properly educated about Morgellons and its associated symptoms, even understanding its cause may not necessarily guarantee effective treatment.
Medical Direction from Government Agencies
While it is true that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted an investigation into Morgellons, their conclusion was that they could not conclude if Morgellons is a distinct condition or not. The CDC researchers made an interesting discovery however: one case patient each had either a positive or equivocal reaction on a Lyme ELISA test. Furthermore, an independent study subsequently published in the esteemed journal BMC, and conducted in a blinded manner, establishes an association between Morgellons and Lyme disease.
Despite limited research funding and scarce scientific literature on Morgellons, independent scientists have recently proposed diagnostic criteria that require visual confirmation of the characteristic microscopic filaments utilizing at least a 60x powered handheld digital microscope. The fibers must be observed to have likely originated inside the patients’ skin and can be found directly inside skin ulcerations. Because there is compelling evidence Morgellons is associated with Lyme disease, reactions to spirochetal infection on serologic or molecular tests may strengthen a diagnosis of MD.
It is quite perplexing that regardless of the availability of this proposed diagnostic criteria, and the evidence to substantiate deploying it in the clinical setting, there is a noticeable absence of any state or federal initiatives to mandate education on diagnosing Morgellons patients. This lack of attention and action seems rather negligent considering the importance of accurately identifying and addressing this condition in a timely manner.
Patients Running Out of Time
Mounting scientific evidence suggests that Lyme disease itself is associated with an increased risk of depression and suicide. Consider those with skin lesions being told THEY are more likely the culprit of their own disfiguration than the common bacterial infection demonstrated to exhibit the same capability. In the case of Morgellons, patients seem twice as likely to consider hopelessness a predetermined outcome of their efforts to achieve health by responsibly visiting with their physician. Patients want to trust their doctor knows what to do, and doctors WANT TO KNOW what to do.
Doctors are dealing with little direction regarding Morgellons, adding to their list of intimidating challenges. On top of that, the thought of being held responsible for treating a patient with chronic Lyme disease can be quite frightening for them. This situation must evolve for everyone involved or at the end of the day we cannot rest easy knowing that we afforded every effort to reasonably investigate these patients’ medical mysteries or utilized the latest science to bring them to remission.
In the 21st century, we CAN do better for Morgellons patients by providing doctors the contemporary tools needed to address this challenging medical condition.