Morgellons News That Made This Summer Great!

green car near seashore with blue ocean

Morgellons news can result in strong emotions. Typically the story is the same – Morgellons patients are delusional. The past several weeks however have arrived on the wings of change towards a final rendezvous with destiny. In this article we look at the top three online articles which had the greatest impact towards legitimizing Morgellons … Read more

Various Morgellons Petitions to the CDC Request Acknowledgement

Why should you sign a Morgellons petition? Above all, Morgellons patients endure many hardships trying to manage their strange skin condition. Firstly, being covered in oozing sores results in a low quality of life. Additionally, there is undue stigma surrounding Morgellons. But the fact is, signing a petition can make a big difference towards improving … Read more

Hallelujah, It’s Raining Science!

The Charles Holman Foundation continues its generosity by releasing both the 11th and 10th annual Morgellons conference media free on YouTube! Through these scientific presentations Morgellons is demystified, and it becomes clear that these patients need much better care. 11th Annual Morgellons Conference Diagnosing Morgellons Disease: Ginger Savely, DNP Diagnostic, Testing and Treatment Approaches: Carsten Nicolaus, … Read more

Historical Syphilis is Lyme Disease (and TBRF)

History of Syphilis An Update on the Global Epidemiology of Syphilis Stages of Syphilis Lyme Disease Mimicking Secondary Syphilis Tick-borne relapsing fever: a fever syndrome mimic Ötzi’s Lyme Disease in Context Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons Ötzi Museum Bozen Stone Age Figure Sculpture “Funky Fever” by Jeremy Murphree