Livestream event with Special Guest, Gregory Smith M.D. FAAP

greg smith morgellons

Joining us live from the 11th Annual Morgellons Disease Conference, Dr. Smith was one of the founders of The New Morgellons Order, which became The Charles Holman Foundation after Charles’ untimely death.

Dr. Smith first became sick with Morgellons skin lesions in May, 2004. Neurological symptoms started in December, 2004 which progressed to a debilitating movement disorder. Additionally, he also developed overwhelming fatigue, brain fog, and significant cognitive difficulties. He had to quit work in May, 2005, and formally retired a year later.

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Morgellons Is Not Psychosomatic Illness

Morgellons is not Psychosomatic in nature, yet many healthcare providers choose to approach treating it this way. It’s difficult to imagine in the 21st century, and after multiple studies that demonstrate an infectious etiology, Morgellons patients would be consigned to psychiatric treatment. You may have heard the phrase, “Morgellons is a variant of Ekbom Syndrome”. To be certain, exhaustive research has clearly demonstrated that Morgellons is not a psychosomatic illness. Morgellons patients are in fact experiencing fibers under their skin – regardless of how strange that might seem. So how does a situation like this, where the substantiating research is blatantly ignored, happen?

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NBC Left Field’s Exposé of Morgellons

morgellons left field

Morgellons on Left Field. Thousands claim to have Morgellons, a condition that allegedly causes fibers to grow out of the skin. A small team of researchers have linked it to Lyme disease, but here’s the thing: according to the Centers or Disease Control and Prevention and the majority of doctors, Morgellons does not exist, and there is “no common underlying medical condition” that explains reported symptoms.

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The Exploitation of Morgellons

The Exploitation of Morgellons Disease

In the months leading up to this article, there has been a growing sense of desperation from the communities espousing many disproven theories such as “Morgellons is caused by nanotechnology” and “Morgellons is part of a transhumanist agenda”. The reason for this urgency is quite simple, the facts are in and the jig is up.

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Chronic Lyme Disease: a Case Definition at Last

For years, Lyme disease patients with chronic symptoms have been denied care because there was no formal recognition of their disease. Now for the first time researchers from the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) have published a groundbreaking case definition of chronic Lyme disease in the prestigious medical journal Chronic Diseases International.

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